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Demountable surface car park: a module for any kind of business

Demountable surface car park: a module for any kind of business

Our product, which over the years has rather become a range of products, has preserved its nature, with the structural and functional modularity at its core. Different types of modules have been devised to appropriately respond to different type of customers

Module 7,5x5,0m

This module is more appropriate than the standard 5,0×5,0m when demand for dynamic capacity is high. The 7,5 meters span allows for the columns to be spaced further apart orthogonally to the aisles. On each side of the aisle they are drawn 1,25 m into the bay line.


Module 5.5x5.5m

This module has been devised for countries where vehicles are larger in average. Bays are 2,75 m wide, aisles are 5,5 m wide. It not only involves better dynamic capacity but also more comfortable bays where parked cars are more easily accessible to pedestrians.

Module 12,5 x 2,5 – Car storage / car showrooms

This module turned out to be a very efficient system for car storage, for instance at ports, where cars are waiting to be loaded onto ships. Or at dealerships, where they provide extra showroom space.


Morepark is our unique system with angled parking bays. The optimal angle has been identified to permit easy maneuvering into the bay with a reduced aisle width. This is the system that often achieves the maximum yield of car spaces per unit area available.