Return on investment

Prefabricated modular car parks: costs and return on investment

Prefabricated modular car parks: costs and return on investment

We maintain low costs because:

  • sheer specialization takes us through mostly repetitive processes (in procurement, fabrication, construction) enabling us to optimize them;
  • we work to our specification, hence we don’t need to price in uncertainty margins;
  • we are a small company and have small overhead costs;
  • most times, we carry out the job from A to Z hence we do not have to charge overheads and margins on the work of subcontractors (exception made for ground works that are usually sublet).

The modular essence of all of our structures enables us to limit the revenue disruption during the assembly operations.
The intrinsic expandability consents for a scalable investment where “just enough” additional parking capacity might be provided at the moment it is required.